Welcome to Streamline the Journey!

We reduce the overwhelm of the never-ending to-do list so you can spend more time doing what matters most... working with clients, growing the business or maybe just being with family and friends.  ;)

At Streamline the Journey, we help coaches, consultants and small business owners like you define and implement processes and systems to streamline your operations.  


I'm on a mission to help small business owners like you operate more efficiently so you can have a bigger impact on the world by increasing your quality of service without sacrificing your quality of life!

Over the course of the last 25+ years, I’ve done just about everything you can imagine in the business world.

I went to Boston College, and majored in Math and Computer Science.  Got my MBA at University of Michigan.  Worked at GE in IT Project Management and then at Pepsi Co. in marketing and strategy.  

Along the way, I certified as a Six Sigma Black Belt…sounds very dangerous, doesn’t it? ;) This was, in reality, the beginning of my real life...

Mina Penna


Over the course of the last 20 years, I’ve done just about everything you can imagine in the business world.

I went to Boston College, and majored in Math and Computer Science and got my MBA at University of Michigan, worked at GE in IT Project Management and Pepsi Co. in marketing and strategy.

I got certified as a Six Sigma Black Belt…sounds very dangerous, doesn’t it? ;) This was, in reality, the beginning of my real life...

Mina Penna

Powerful & Lasting Processes without the Admin

Consider this the nudge you’ve been waiting for...

If you are here because you are stretched too thin and need your business to run more smoothly without you doing ALL the things.  You've come to the right place!  

Our Client Says

Successful stories of clients working with Streamline the Journey.

our approach to streamlining

In our process we create customized plans for our clients that transform their businesses into well-oiled machines freeing them up to do the work they love and get time back in their day just to breathe again!  

01. vision 

Creating a clear picture of what you want your business to be based on your goals and aspirations. Having a vision will give your business a clear focus, help us prioritize and allows you to stop doing ALL the things.

02. Deep Dive 

We will deep dive on each process in your business mapping out how everything works today.  We identify and prioritize the areas that are most in need of improvement and create the plan of attack.  

03. transformation

Recommending a shift to the way your business operates. That may be modifying systems, processes, and/or technology across your business/business units, to achieve measurable improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction.

04. implementation

Turning our recommended strategies and plans into actions in order to accomplish our strategic objective and goals. Implementing the the plan is as important, or even more important, than the strategy itself.